20 January, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

Despite the terrible course of the past eight years, I find myself in agreement with President Obama regarding President Bush: in order to begin the healing process, we must be willing to forgive. Forgetting is out of the question. Forgiveness, necessary.

Today the electric thrill of being American lives in my spine, my heart, my spirit. I haven't felt so proud of our nation since the early days following the terrorist attacks on September 11. I cherish the wild concatenation of viewpoints and beliefs that makes our nation great; but every now and then, it makes me inarticulate with joy that we can bring those viewpoints into alignment -- as Americans.

Times may be tough. There is work to do. But for this moment, this one shining instant, we set those tasks aside for history. Today, we revel in the euphoria of our triumph as a nation.

Happy Inauguration Day, and may all of our thoughts and prayers be with President Obama, his family, and all of the members of the incoming Administration.

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